Grahams Natural Alternatives
Geoff Grahams Story:
Geoff was reported as one of the worst cases of eczema as a 3 month old baby in the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
Having lived with this terrible condition throughout his life, it wasn't until his son Ryan was 14 months of age and was covered from head to toe with eczema that Geoff decided to do something positive about it!
Geoff knew that they now needed to find something that could be bathed in to restore moisture back into skin. "We then developed Grahams Bath Oil which has gone on to be very popular and effective, used in conjunction with Calendulis Plus cream."
"Shannon, we have to do something, I cannot let Ryan go through what I had!"
Geoff and Shannon started researching Eczema everywhere they could.
"Over the years I had seen every doctor and dermatologist and used every product available on the market." Geoff and Shannon started mixing different raw materials that Geoff knew had helped him before.
"With a lot of trial and error we finally developed Calendulis Plus cream for the relief of Eczema and Psoriasis. We got amazing results, both for Ryan and myself."
"We then went on to list Calendulis Plus cream with the Therapeutic Goods Authority (TGA) in Australia." Geoff and Shannon continued their research into eczema and psoriasis. "The more research we did, the more we found eczema and psoriasis was not only an external problem, but also an internal one."
Geoff found clinical studies showing both diseases indicated a lacking in Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3, 6, 9. "We developed Mega Oil, which is an internal oil covering the essential fatty acids, omega 3, 6, 9 at the correct ratio of 2:1:1"
"Our products have had huge results. I have appeared on several National T.V. programs with Ryan to tell our story."
Geoff and Shannon are constantly researching Eczema and Psoriasis. " We are in the process of testing other great skin care products for the face and body."
"I hope you will find our products a great success. We will continue to develop amazing products."
Thank you!
Geoff Graham
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