Remede De Marseille
Founded nearly a decade ago, Wild Creek Naturals products combine essential oils from a timeless recipe to form our blend of traditional Marseille remedy oils and the traditional Marseille remedy balm in a blend of 5 classic oils: cloves, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cinnamon bark.
Since 1413, this traditional remedy has been legendary for its purported ability to ward off the plague. From medieval France to the modern world, people have shared this remedy and its many uses with friends and family.
Today, Wild Creek Naturals continues this tradition by combining five best-quality essential oils into two artisanal formulas in small batches: a blend of essential oils and a balm. Both can be used to help with household cleaning, to reduce inflammation, improve health, soothe insect bites, etc.
In 1413. As the bubonic plague decimated France, thieves were arrested for stealing money and jewelry from the dead and victims of the plague, a crime punishable by the stake. The judge offered them clemency for their terrible crimes on the condition that they shared the secret that allowed them to be exposed to the plague without contracting it. The thieves explained that they were perfume makers and spice merchants and that they were out of work because of the closure of France's seaports. They had prepared a special herbal infusion that they applied to their hands, ears, feet. masks and
Temples, and this protected him from infection. As promised, the judge did not burn them alive – but hanged them. Soon after, doctors treating the plague began wearing masks made of absorbent material soaked in "the mixture of thieves" to protect them from the disease.
The "original mixture of thieves" containing vinegar and garlic, was originally known as Marseille Vinegar. This formula was marketed by sellers of medical supplies as the first protective barrier for hundreds of years and has been an element of pestilential prevention against plague since its formulation. The arrival of the modern pharmacopoeia saw this element relegated to the pages of forgotten history. The Marseille remedy is the most traditional concentrated form of the original recipe.
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